Resilience of Damartex turnover in the 2nd quarter of 2024/2025

Damartex Group closed the first half of the 2024/2025 financial year with a turnover of 284.6 million euros, a slight decrease of 2% at real exchange rates compared to the previous year. Although the second quarter suffered a decrease of 3.7%, the dynamics of digital and physical sales testify to the resilience of the business.
The Fashion division recorded an overall decline of 3.6% despite a significant increase in sales of the Xandres brand. The Home & Lifestyle division saw growth of 4.1%, largely driven by the Coopers of Stortford and 3Pagen brands. Finally, the Healthcare sector grew by 3% thanks to the Santéol brand. Damartex continues to follow its Dare. Act. Impact 2026 strategic plan to ensure sustainable development.
R. P.
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