sur LCA-Vision

Renowned Military Ophthalmologist Dr. Gregory Bryant Giles Joins LasikPlus Lexington

Kentucky-based ophthalmologist and LASIK eye surgeon, Dr. Gregory Bryant Giles, is now treating patients at the LasikPlus Lexington vision center, located at 2348 Nicholasville Road. Dr. Giles, known for his expertise in laser refractive surgery including LASIK and PRK, as well as cataract surgery, brings years of experience and a track record of tens of thousands of successful ophthalmic procedures to the Lexington community.

Dr. Giles commenced his medical studies in Georgia in 2013 while serving in the U.S. Army. Completing his residency at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, he now holds the Chief of Ophthalmology position and leads the Warfighter Refractive Eye Surgery Program at Fort Campbell, KY. Apart from assisting military personnel and retirees, Dr. Giles extends his services to civilian patients, offering them the benefits of his wide-ranging surgical skills.

Lauded for his exceptional patient satisfaction scores and recognized with the "Top Surgeon" Award, Dr. Giles shares his passion for improving lives through his work. His addition to the LasikPlus Lexington team is celebrated by Craig Joffe, CEO of LasikPlus, highlighting Dr. Giles' clinical expertise and warm personality as invaluable assets to the community.

Dr. Giles expresses his gratitude for living his childhood dream and the fulfillment he gains from positively impacting the lives of his patients, military and civilian alike. His involvement with LasikPlus underscores the organization's commitment to providing high-quality care, affordability, and access to advanced LASIK technology across the United States.

R. P.

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