sur Renewance Inc.
Renewance, Inc. Achieves Milestones in Battery Life Cycle Management
Renewance, Inc., a leader in industrial battery services, announced significant achievements in battery life cycle management. The company has assisted businesses in commissioning and servicing over 20 GWh of batteries, decommissioning over 100 MWh, and managing the recycling of more than 3,000 tons of batteries.
The demand for lithium-ion batteries is growing rapidly, driven by the shift towards battery-powered vehicles and renewable energy. According to a McKinsey & Company analysis, the market is expected to reach 4.7 TWh and $400 billion by 2030.
Renewance provides solutions for safe and sustainable deployment, operations, and end-of-life management of battery-based applications. The company's suite of software solutions includes asset management, warranty management, and end-of-life management features.
Renewance's CCO Sander Jacobs emphasized the importance of eco-friendly and compliant disposal of lithium-ion batteries to prevent environmental harm. The company offers clients a comprehensive solution for managing decommissioning, collection, reuse, or recycling.
Founded in 2015, Renewance combines expertise in compliance with an extensive network of logistics and recycling partners. Recognized for its expertise, the company has won the U.S. Department of Energy's Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Prize and is approved by the U.S. EPA.
R. H.
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