sur Relief Therapeutics Holding SA (isin : CH1251125998)
Relief Therapeutics Secures European Patent for RLF-TD011
Relief Therapeutics announced that the European Patent Office has issued a Notice of Allowance for its patent application (No. 20737588.2) related to the use of oxidizing hypotonic acid solutions. This patent will cover the company's investigational drug RLF-TD011, aimed at treating wounds caused by epidermolysis bullosa (EB), until 2040 in Europe. Relief plans to secure similar protections in other major markets, including the U.S. and China.
RLF-TD011 has received orphan drug designation from the U.S. FDA, which may allow for market exclusivity post-approval. Relief's Chief Scientific Officer, Giorgio Reiner, highlighted this development as a significant step in their efforts to provide novel treatments for rare diseases like EB.
R. E.
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