sur Relief Therapeutics Holding SA (isin : CH1251125998)

Relief Therapeutics Reveals Promising Results in Clinical Trial for Epidermolysis Bullosa

Relief Therapeutics Holding SA has disclosed promising preliminary findings from its clinical trial of RLF-TD011, aimed at treating epidermolysis bullosa (EB), a rare genetic disorder related to fragile skin and chronic wounds. The trial showed a significant reduction in Staphylococcus aureus in EB wounds and an increase in beneficial bacteria, linked to improved microbiome diversity. This represents a potential breakthrough in wound healing for EB patients, historically plagued with severe wound infections.

Professor Amy Paller, principal investigator of the study, highlighted the role of Staphylococcus aureus in contributing to chronic inflammation and impaired healing. The results are especially encouraging because they show a decrease in harmful bacteria while preserving beneficial ones, addressing a significant gap in current EB treatments.

R. E.

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