sur Relief Therapeutics Holding SA (isin : CH1251125998)
Relief Therapeutics Ends Merger Discussions with Renexxion
Relief Therapeutics Holding SA has announced the termination of merger talks with Renexxion, Inc. Discussions began in November 2024 with the aim of creating a joint entity with a broader therapeutic pipeline. However, necessary conditions were not fulfilled within the set timeframe, leading to a mutual decision to end negotiations.
Dr. Raghuram Selvaraju, chairman of Relief, expressed confidence in the company's standalone potential. Relief has a strong development pipeline and cash reserves of around CHF 15 million. Additionally, there is an untouched CHF 50 million equity facility from its major shareholder GEM, to support ongoing operations and shareholder value enhancement.
The company plans to release its 2024 Annual Report with a full business update on April 10, 2025.
R. P.
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