sur Rally

Rally OurBus Transforming Regional Transportation Through Mass Mobility as a Service

Rally OurBus is revolutionizing regional transportation with a technology platform changing the way people travel regionally. They offer innovative bus rideshare services for scheduled intercity travel and on-demand rides to events across the U.S., Canada, and other countries.

Rally pioneered Mass Mobility as a Service (MMaaS) by integrating business and technological innovations into the private bus industry, facilitating almost three million rides to hundreds of events in thousands of cities. Backed by investors, including Daimler, Rally connects riders with high-quality bus companies and expert drivers.

Using the Rally app, fans can search for specific venues, teams, or artists to join groups traveling to the same destination. The app also allows the creation of private bus trips, with options ranging from sprinter vans to motorcoaches. OurBus focuses on scheduled intercity services, competing with traditional bus companies without owning any buses.

Since merging in 2021, Rally OurBus has become a key player in the bus rideshare market, transforming the industry with its on-demand app. The company has generated over $120 million in revenue and facilitated millions of rides while promoting environmentally friendly travel.

R. E.

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