sur Ondine Biomedical Inc (LON:OBIMF)

Quebec Hospital Achieves 78% Reduction in Spine Surgery Infections with Steriwave

The University of Sherbrooke in Quebec reported a significant decrease in spine surgery infections following the deployment of Steriwave nasal photodisinfection. Clinicians observed a reduction of over 78% in surgical site infections (SSIs) compared to patients who did not receive the treatment.

Results revealed that the patients treated with Steriwave experienced a 30% shorter hospital stay. This innovation is projected to offer substantial healthcare resource savings. The findings were presented at the Canadian Spine Society's Annual Scientific Conference.

The success of Steriwave in reducing SSIs is being considered for extension to joint replacement surgeries. The innovative nasal photodisinfection demonstrated a strong return on investment, with more than $17 saved for each dollar spent.

Consistent with past research, this study reinforces Steriwave's efficacy in lowering infection rates and associated healthcare costs.

R. E.

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