sur QR-Note
QR-Note: The New Smart Sticky Note
Artist and inventor Chi Huynh has reinvented the traditional yellow sticky note with the introduction of the QR-Note. This innovative product allows users to save photos, videos, and voice recordings directly to their sticky notes. It is designed for professionals who need quick and easy access to information. Users can simply scan the QR-Note with their smartphone to retrieve their stored data.
"In the fast-paced AI era, where information needs to be delivered rapidly, our traditional sticky note is no longer smart enough," said Huynh. The QR-Note introduces a new way to pin digital content to your notes. It is especially useful for those who require instant access to information.
The QR-Note utilizes a novel Universal QR Code technology, which is patent-pending. This technology allows multiple users to write or add content to the QR code via the QR-Note app without prior registration. Huynh describes it as a simple yet magical solution for smart reminders.
R. H.
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