sur BlackBerry QNX (NASDAQ:BB)
QNX Unveils Functional Safety Platform for AI Robotics

QNX, a division of BlackBerry, has launched a new Functional Safety (FuSa) platform designed for advanced robotic systems. Collaborating with Intel and NexCOBOT, the platform integrates robotic and safety controls onto a single board, enhancing efficiency. It promises cost savings, reduced power consumption, and improved thermal efficiency, meeting critical safety standards.
Built on Intel® Core™ i7 processors and QNX® OS for Safety, the platform targets industrial automation and AI environments. It offers robust computing power and virtualization for AI-driven applications while expediting certification processes.
Key industry voices, including Grant Courville of QNX, emphasize the platform's ability to meet rigorous safety and performance standards, catering to the dynamic demands of AI-powered robotics.
R. E.
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