sur Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited (isin : CH0406705126)

Qmicro's DynamiQ-X GC Analyzers Secure OIML R140/MID Certification

In February 2025, Qmicro by Sensirion achieved a significant milestone as their DynamiQ-X GC analyzers received the OIML R140/MID accuracy class A certification, No. TC12537. These analyzers are specialized in assessing natural gas and its combinations with hydrogen. This certification is recognized worldwide for simplifying the approval steps for system integrators focused on composition control and custody transfer.

The certification was granted after thorough testing by NMi in the Netherlands. Evaluations covered temperature variations, mechanical, and electrical influences, adhering to ISO 17025. The software and firmware also underwent comprehensive scrutiny for control, data handling, and communication standards.

Notably, the certification pertains to the DynamiQ-X NG2210 and NG2220 models. The NG2210 is adept at analyzing natural gas composition, while the NG2220 caters to blends with up to 20% hydrogen. Overall, this achievement represents enhanced cost efficiency and risk minimization for integrators worldwide.

R. E.

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