sur QSC AG (isin : DE0005137004)

Q3 Performance and Outlook of q.beyond AG

q.beyond AG, under review by NuWays AG, reported its Q3 results, aligning closely with forecasts. Sales rose by 3.5% year-on-year to €47.0 million, bolstered mainly by strong managed services growth. This segment saw sales increase by 6.2% to €32.9 million, also achieving a higher gross margin of 79.9%. However, consulting sales declined 2.6% to €14.1 million, despite a sequential quarterly improvement suggesting potential recovery.

Improved efficiency, specifically in reducing sales, marketing, and G&A expenses, contributed to a significant rise in Q3 EBITDA to €2.2 million from a loss in the prior year. The company maintains its annual guidance, projecting revenues between €192-198 million and an EBITDA of €8-10 million. This aligns with their Strategy 2025 goals, aiming for a sustained positive net income.

R. H.

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