sur Pyrum Innovations AG (isin : DE000A2G8ZX8)

Pyrum Innovations AG and GreenTech Recycling Tires AB Collaborate to Establish Tire Recycling Plant in Sweden

Pyrum Innovations AG, in collaboration with GreenTech Recycling Tires AB, has announced plans to construct a tire recycling facility in Sweden. A consulting agreement between the two companies outlines the development of a plant capable of processing 20,000 tonnes of end-of-life tires annually. This strategic move is aimed at entering the Scandinavian recycling market, with a projected start of production in 2027.

The plant will be located in Billingsfors, Sweden. Initial steps include securing financing, site reservation, engaging with tire suppliers, and preparing the necessary approval documents. The joint venture signifies a significant step towards sustainable tire recycling in Scandinavia. Pascal Klein, CEO of Pyrum Innovations AG, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership and confidence in the technology and future project success.

For GreenTech Recycling Tires AB, this collaboration underlines their commitment to sustainable tire recycling, turning end-of-life tires into new products, thereby closing the recycling loop. The consulting agreement marks Pyrum’s third significant contract for constructing recycling facilities, highlighting its expanding footprint in the European recycling industry.

R. E.

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