sur Pursuit NW

Pursuit NW Announces "United for Israel" Rally at University of Washington

The Pursuit NW, led by Pastor Russell Johnson, will hold a Pro-Israel rally titled "United for Israel" at the University of Washington on May 12, 2024. The event will begin at 4:30 p.m. at Red Square, include a march through the campus, and conclude at the Pursuit Seattle campus. The rally is in response to the attacks on Israel on October 7th and aims to unite various religious groups against the rise of antisemitism on college campuses. Notable guests include Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as the "Son of Hamas."

Pastor Russell has previously organized similar rallies at Columbia University and the University of Southern California, drawing thousands of attendees. These events have been in collaboration with multiple organizations such as StandWithUs, Hold the Line, and Let Us Worship. The upcoming Seattle rally will focus on advocating for Israel's right to self-defense, the release of hostages, and the pursuit of lasting peace in the region.

R. E.

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