sur Southern ITS International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SITS)
Pure Oil & Gas Inc. Achieves Milestones and Secures Funding
Pure Oil & Gas Inc., a subsidiary of Southern ITS International, Inc., reported significant advancements in its drilling operations. The company, based in Scottsdale, AZ, manages 14 operating wells and has secured $6 million in fresh funding to bolster its current and future projects.
Over recent months, the company has increased production volumes dramatically, with an estimated 1,980 barrels produced in September, up from 175 in June. This growth reflects improved operational efficiencies and strategic well placements.
Plans are in place to complete an additional five wells by year's end, aimed at increasing production capabilities and reinforcing its market position. Jeremy Larsen, President of Pure Oil & Gas, expressed optimism about the company's progress and future growth prospects.
R. H.
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