sur Pulsar

Pulsar Launches Innovative Global Media Contacts Database

Audience intelligence leader Pulsar has unveiled Pulsar CONTACTS, a novel media contacts and distribution tool designed to cater to the evolving needs of communication professionals. This global database is poised to revolutionize the industry by providing real-time, AI-powered, and human-verified contact information, ensuring users have the most current data at their fingertips.

With its cutting-edge blend of generative AI and meticulous human research, Pulsar CONTACTS presents a dynamic solution that updates in real time. This innovation enables the discovery and enrichment of contacts with extensive profiles, enhanced by data from over 150 million news articles and public social media information monthly. Users gain access to a comprehensive database that includes more than 1.8 million media contacts and 670,000 media outlets, continually refreshed to maintain accuracy and relevance.

The platform is designed to streamline various aspects of professional communication strategies. It allows users to identify relevant contacts, personalize media lists, manage engagement, and analyze the impact of their outreach efforts, promoting a cycle of continuous improvement. Pulsar’s commitment to accelerating connections between communication experts and media professionals reflects in this tool's capacity to adapt to the fast-paced changes in media narratives and contacts.

R. H.

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