Public tender offer for Aures Technologies by Advantech Co., Ltd.
On February 11, 2025, Advantech Co., Ltd. launched a public tender offer for the shares of Aures Technologies SA. The proposed price is EUR 6.31 per share, with an offer period of 25 trading days. The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) will determine the timetable for the offer.
The AMF has affixed visa No. 25-026 to the information note, guaranteeing the conformity of the offer. Advantech's key information, including legal and financial, is available in a specific document filed with the AMF. The documents are accessible on the AMF and Aures Technologies websites.
It is crucial to note that the offer is subject to specific regulations and is not intended for distribution outside of France. Advantech Co., Ltd. disclaims any liability in the event of a violation of these restrictions.
R. P.
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