sur PTI

PTI Achieves Over 70 Million Miles Using RNG/CNG, Launches New Sustainability Efforts

Paper Transport, Inc. (PTI) has reported surpassing 70 million miles driven using renewable and compressed natural gas vehicles, aligning with Earth Day celebrations. PTI's CEO, Ben Schill, emphasized the company's commitment to sustainable practices through current technology and innovations that could positively impact future generations.

For a decade, PTI has integrated CNG/RNG technology in its fleet, notably achieving significant reductions in greenhouse gases for one of its large consumer products manufacturers. PTI claims its CNG/RNG trucks have thrice the environmental benefit compared to traditional diesel trucks.

Additionally, PTI announced three sustainability initiatives: increasing their mileage goal with natural gas, rewarding drivers for fuel-efficient practices, and enhancing route optimization to maximize load efficiency. These actions are anticipated to considerably lessen fuel consumption and increase operational efficiency by the end of 2024.

Jared Stedl, PTI's Chief Commercial Officer, highlighted the suitability of RNG/CNG for local shipping needs and encouraged partnerships to broaden the use of alternative fuels in logistics. As Earth Day approaches, PTI invites industry stakeholders to join their sustainable journey.

R. P.

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