sur Impact Theory, LLC

Project Kyzen Video Game Announces Groundbreaking Bruce Lee Partnership

Project Kyzen, the innovative new video game from entrepreneur Tom Bilyeu, will be launched on August 22 with a custom Bruce Lee avatar. Developed in partnership with the Bruce Lee Family Company, this feature promises to revolutionize the gaming experience. The game will include Bruce Lee skins and accessories, allowing players to embody Lee’s iconic presence and philosophy.

"Integrating Bruce's timeless wisdom and iconic persona into Project Kyzen is a dream come true," said Tom Bilyeu, CEO of Impact Theory. He emphasized that Bruce Lee’s teachings have profoundly influenced his life.

Shannon Lee, CEO of Bruce Lee Family Company, highlighted that Project Kyzen's approach aligns perfectly with Bruce Lee’s philosophy on entertainment and life. The game offers five unique Mini Battle Arena modes, enabling players to create and explore vast worlds. Players can also purchase or unlock various Bruce Lee customizations.

Bruce Lee's philosophy extends beyond martial arts, inspiring notable figures like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Kobe Bryant. Project Kyzen aims to bring these teachings to a broader audience, even those unfamiliar with martial arts. The game's immersive arenas will showcase Lee’s Jeet Kune Do moves, aiming to inspire players to excellence.

R. H.

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