sur SphingoTec GmbH
Proenkephalin: A Potential Biomarker for CRRT Decisions Post-Cardiac Surgery
SphingoTec GmbH has announced promising results regarding proenkephalin A 119-159 (penKid) as a potential biomarker for guiding the discontinuation of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in cardiac surgery patients. Conducted at the Medical University of Vienna, the study highlights significant differences in penKid levels between patients successfully and unsuccessfully liberated from CRRT.
Acute kidney injury (AKI), affecting up to 40% of elective cardiac surgery patients, requires efficient management strategies. The study, led by Prof. Martin Bernardi, suggests that penKid could support clinical decisions on CRRT discontinuation, helping identify patients likely to sustain kidney function post-therapy.
The research, supported by post-hoc analyses of previous trials, shows the potential of penKid in enhancing current acute dialysis management strategies by refining the timing for CRRT discontinuation.
R. E.
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