Prodways Group is considering a transfer to Euronext Growth Paris

The Board of Directors of Prodways Group has decided to submit to a vote the idea of transferring its securities from the regulated market Euronext Paris to Euronext Growth Paris at the Combined General Meeting scheduled for March 10, 2025. This initiative is part of a strategy of simplification and reduction of listing costs.
The new CEO, in office since the end of 2024, focuses on improving each of the group's activities. The transfer project aims for a more flexible regulatory framework, adapted to the size and capitalization of the company, while now has access to financial markets. The company expects revenue to be stable for 2024 compared to 2023 and aims to improve its EBITDA margin.
Precise terms of transfer have been presented, with an accelerated procedure without issuing new shares. Prodways is trying to reassure its shareholders regarding the protection of their interests and the transparency of information.
R. H.
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