sur Primary Hydrogen Corp. (isin : CA74167W1032)

Primary Hydrogen Corp. Updates on Exchange Listings

Primary Hydrogen Corp., a natural hydrogen exploration company, has announced updates on its stock market listings. The company's shares trade on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE), OTCQB Venture Market, and TSX Venture Exchange. The firm's aim is to enhance visibility in the United States and European markets, broadening its shareholder base and liquidity. CEO Benjamin Asuncion emphasized the strategic importance of cross-listing to reach global investors.

The FSE, operated by Deutsche Börse AG, provides access to European and international capital markets, offering high liquidity. Meanwhile, the OTCQB Venture Market helps early-stage companies increase visibility in the United States through stringent reporting standards and verification. Additionally, the company's shares are eligible for the Depository Trust Company's electronic clearing, improving the ease of trading in the U.S.

R. E.

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