sur IQuanti

Prequalified vs Preapproved Credit Card Offers: Understanding the Difference

Receiving an offer indicating that you are prequalified or preapproved for a credit card can be exciting. These terms are often used interchangeably but have distinct meanings depending on the issuer. Understanding these differences is crucial for making informed decisions about whether to proceed with an application.

Prequalification usually involves a soft inquiry into basic information via credit reports. This does not affect your credit score and allows you to gauge potential offers. However, prequalification does not guarantee approval if you choose to apply.

Preapproval also involves a credit check and can sometimes include a hard inquiry. This process is more in-depth, examining detailed financial and credit histories. Preapproval does not ensure final approval but indicates a higher likelihood, assuming your financial status is stable.

Ultimately, being prequalified or preapproved does not obligate you to apply. A credit card should align with your financial strategy and fit within your budget and spending habits. Always review the terms to ensure a card makes financial sense for you.

R. E.

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