Preliminary Results of Fnac Darty's Joint Procedure with Unieuro

Fnac Darty and RUBY Equity Investment have announced the preliminary results of their joint procedure. This procedure involves a tender and exchange offer for the remaining Unieuro shares not already held by the Offerors. The procedure concluded on December 30, 2024. A total of 139,558 Further Remaining Shares were tendered, representing 0.67% of Unieuro's share capital.
Among the tendered shares, 89.20% opted for a combination of cash and newly issued Fnac Darty shares, while 10.80% chose a full cash alternative. Fnac Darty will settle the joint procedure by January 8, 2025. Following the execution, Unieuro shares will be delisted from Euronext STAR Milan.
R. P.
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