sur P&P Group

P&P Group Exceeds 2024 Transaction Targets with Over 500 Units Sold

German property developer P&P Group surpassed its 2024 financial year goals by selling over 500 units, totaling more than EUR 150 million. CEO Eva-Maria Zurek hailed the achievement amid a turbulent property market. The success was attributed to diverse sales strategies, including large transactions with institutional and private investors, and selling around 150 units to individuals through a proprietary platform.

The company's sales featured a mix of new builds and existing properties. Notable projects included the Sunshine Lofts in Bamberg and climate-friendly flats in Nuremberg/Fürth. Favorable interest rate trends boosted demand, with many investors capitalizing on reduced financing costs.

Looking forward, CEO Zurek is optimistic about 2025, highlighting a strong project pipeline and successful strategies in lesser-developed neighborhoods. This approach aims to continue providing opportunities for investors.

R. P.

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