Postponement of the Combined General Meeting of
The company informs its shareholders of the postponement of the Combined General Meeting initially scheduled for June 28, 2024. This decision results from the company's inability to disseminate the necessary documents on time, in particular the auditor's reports. to the accounts, who was unable to complete his work in due time.
As a result, the auditor was unable to certify the 2023 accounts within the legal deadlines. His efforts are still in progress. The Management Board has therefore decided to postpone the Combined General Meeting to a later date. A request was filed with the President of the Commercial Court to extend the deadline until September 30, 2024.
The Combined General Meeting will be held in September. Shareholders will be informed by press release and notices will be published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales et Obligatoires as well as in a legal notices journal.
The main financial aggregates for the financial year ending December 31, 2023 are presented in the press release dated April 30, 2024, which highlights the uncertain financial situation of the company and its financing requirement until September 30, 2024.
R. H.
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