sur Pompa Program

Pompa Program Announces New Insights Into What Causes Thyroid Conditions

Dr. Daniel Pompa has unveiled new findings on the role of heavy metals in the rise of thyroid conditions. In a detailed blog, he underscores how these metals disrupt thyroid function.

Studies indicate that heavy metals inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3, affecting the thyroid gland's performance. This disruption is linked to a rise in autoimmune thyroid disorders, where the immune system wrongly attacks the thyroid.

Heavy metals cause inflammation in cellular membranes, altering hormone receptor shapes and leading to thyroid hormone resistance. They also penetrate the blood-brain barrier, especially with glyphosate, impacting the entire endocrine system.

To mitigate this, Dr. Pompa suggests focusing on removing heavy metals using his 5Rs approach. This, he argues, can restore natural thyroid hormone function.

For more details on these studies and recommendations, visit the blog or the Pompa Program website.

R. H.

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