sur Polaris Renewable Energy Inc. (NASDAQ:RAMPF)

Polaris Renewable Energy Announces Quarterly Dividend

Polaris Renewable Energy Inc., a company traded publicly on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:PIF), announced a quarterly dividend of US$0.15 per common share. This dividend will be distributed to shareholders recorded at the close of business on February 17th and paid on February 28th. It qualifies as an "eligible dividend" for Canadian tax purposes.

The board of Polaris Renewable Energy remains committed to maintaining regular dividends and will consider potential future increases. This reflects the company's ongoing focus on financial prudence and rewarding its shareholders.

Polaris engages in renewable energy ventures in Latin America and the Caribbean, including geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, and wind projects. These efforts aim to bolster the energy transition while ensuring financial stability.

R. P.

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