PIZZORNO Environnement strengthens its position in Esterel Côte-d'Azur Agglomération

After nearly 30 years of collaboration, Esterel Côte-d'Azur Agglomération is renewing and extending its contract with PIZZORNO Environnement. This €186.1 million contract over 7 years now covers all five municipalities in the region. It includes the collection of all waste streams as well as the operation of three transfer docks.

A significant part of the vehicle fleet, i.e. 85%, will be made up of low-emission vehicles. By choosing vehicles running on biosynthetic fuel or electricity, PIZZORNO Environnement shows its commitment to reducing atmospheric emissions.

To improve service to users, PIZZORNO Environnement is implementing a digital waste management solution. Residents can access various information, make an appointment or submit a complaint in just a few clicks.

This new contract contributes to the commercial dynamic of PIZZORNO Environnement, whose order book now reaches €1.2 billion. The General Director, Frédéric Devalle, expresses his satisfaction with this strengthened partnership with Esterel Côte-d'Azur Agglomération.

R. P.

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