sur Photon Energy NV (isin : NL0010391108)

Photon Energy Secures Asset Management Deal for Hungarian PV Plants

Photon Energy N.V. has signed an asset management agreement through its Hungarian subsidiary, Photon Energy Operations HU Kft, for photovoltaic (PV) power plants in Hungary. These plants, owned by EDP Renováveis, have a combined capacity of 101 MWp. The deal marks an expansion of Photon Energy's involvement in the renewable energy sector in Hungary.

Under the agreement, Photon Energy will handle technical, commercial, and financial management to ensure optimal performance of the PV power plants. The collaboration highlights Photon Energy's growing role in large-scale renewable energy operations and its aim to support EDPR's upcoming projects.

The agreement also encompasses future support for additional assets owned by EDPR, reinforcing Photon Energy's commitment to enhancing its position in the Hungarian market.

R. E.

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