sur Photon Energy NV (isin : NL0010391108)
Photon Energy Partners with Greenvolt for Solar Asset Management in Hungary
Photon Energy NV has secured a contract with Greenvolt Group to manage a 57 MWp solar photovoltaic power plant in Hungary's Szentlőrinc district. This contract involves full asset management services, including contract management, project management, and technical oversight.
Currently, Photon Energy oversees 400 MWp of solar PV assets under management and O&M contracts in Hungary. Globally, they manage over 1.1 GWp in key markets, including Central and Eastern Europe and Australia. The partnership aims to enhance the efficiency and performance of Greenvolt's solar assets, contributing to Greenvolt's position in the utility-scale segment.
This collaboration is part of Photon Energy's strategy to expand its portfolio within Hungary and to secure further contracts by the end of the year.
R. P.
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