sur Think Research (isin : CA88410J1075)

Pharmapod from Think Research Integrates into Canadian Academic Programs

Think Research Corporation (TRC), a company specializing in transforming healthcare using digital health software solutions, announces the increasing integration of its medication incident management solution, Pharmapod, within Canadian academic sites . This platform is becoming an essential digital tool in university and community college programs, preparing future healthcare professionals to ensure the safety and quality of medication care.

Pharmapod is a cloud-based medication incident reporting platform. It allows the capture, monitoring and analysis of incidents in real time, contributing to the proactive improvement of patient safety. Currently, it is used in 70% of Canadian pharmacies and more than 500 care homes across Canada.

Sachin Aggarwal, CEO of Think Research, points to the widespread adoption of Pharmapod in pharmacies and care homes as evidence of the industry's commitment to patient safety. Integration into academic programs marks a further step towards excellence in the training of future health professionals.

R. P.

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