Pets IQ Launches World's First AI Recognition Anti-Bark Collar
Pets IQ has introduced an innovative solution to manage excessive barking in dogs. The state-of-the-art AI Recognition Anti-Bark Collar utilizes advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, ensuring the collar activates only when your dog barks. This precise detection eliminates false triggers from external noises.
The collar features five sensitivity levels and three correction modes: gentle tone, vibration, and static stimulation, all with clear safety certifications. This customization allows owners to tailor the training to their dog's specific needs, ensuring a gentle yet effective approach.
Designed for comfort, the collar fits dogs of various sizes with a soft, adjustable strap. A Type-C charging port and long-lasting battery life of up to 30 days make it user-friendly and eco-conscious.
Beyond just stopping barks, Pets IQ's collar aims to foster a positive relationship between pets and owners. Gentle corrections and positive reinforcement address the root cause of barking, promoting a calm and happy home environment.
R. H.
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