sur Petroff Amshen LLP

Petroff Amshen Advocates for Victims Amidst Surge in Identity Theft Cases in New York State

As identity theft occurrences escalate dramatically in New York State, Petroff Amshen LLP, led by their managing partner Serge F. Petroff, steps up to aid victims. Data reveals that in 2023, New York State recorded a total of 267,377 frauds and identity theft reports, with victims suffering fraud losses amounting to 400.9 million dollars. Particularly, there were 51,484 cases of identity theft.

In the first quarter of 2024, fraud cases reported totaled 78,661, while identity theft instances increased to 14,312, resulting in an overall loss of 136.6 million dollars. Petroff Amshen is committed to bringing this distressing trend to an end.

Under Serge F. Petroff’s leadership, Petroff Amshen LLP provides comprehensive legal protection services to identity theft victims, enforcing federal laws designed to shield individuals from fraudulent activities. "Our mission is to help victims navigate the complexities of these violations and ensure their rights are undeniably protected," declares Petroff.

Petroff Amshen LLP meticulously addresses each case, delving into specifics and ensuring every detail is covered. The firm has an exceptional track record in processing high-stakes cases and is devoted to victim-centered justice.

As the year progresses, Petroff Amshen aims to be a pivotal force against identity theft and fraud, remaining a steadfast ally for victims in New York State.

R. E.

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