sur Payments Group Holding (isin : DE000A1MMEV4)

Payments Group Holding Details Strategic Acquisition Plan

Payments Group Holding (PGH), an investment firm based in Frankfurt, has outlined terms for its acquisition of stakes in several internet payment service providers. The company aims to finalize this acquisition in the second quarter of 2025. The transaction involves acquiring 72.9% of Funanga AG, along with 75% stakes in Campamocha Holding Ltd. and Surfer Rosa Ltd., for a cash consideration of 9.15 million EUR and PGH shares.

Originally set at 68.1 million EUR, the purchase price will instead vary based on PGH's treasury shares valuation. PGH's net asset value is estimated at 20 million EUR. The acquisition awaits approval from the Malta Financial Services Authority, with relevant applications processed without objections.

Despite potential delays, extended timelines allow the transaction to proceed, ensuring stakeholder interests remain aligned. The Payments Group, comprised of the target companies, operates in 190 countries, offering diverse online payment services. This strategic move seeks to enhance PGH's growth in the PayTech sector.

R. P.

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