sur Partners Group (isin : CH0024608827)
Partners Group Unveils Future Strategy at Capital Markets Day
Partners Group, a major player in the global private markets sector, revealed its investment strategy for the upcoming cycle at its Capital Markets Day. The Swiss firm plans to amplify its transformational investing platform across five private market asset classes, aiming for significant growth in its assets under management (AuM) to over USD 450 billion by 2033.
The company's strategy is founded on three pillars: expanding its investments platform, growing bespoke mandate services, and integrating high-performance investment engines. These approaches are expected to enable the firm to outpace industry growth.
Strategically, Partners Group aims to lead in private equity, credit, infrastructure, real estate, and royalties. The firm intends to become a dominant infrastructure player and seeks to grow in the real estate market through vertical integration. Meanwhile, organic growth remains a priority in the private credit sector.
R. H.
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