sur Partners Group (isin : CH0024608827)

Partners Group to Sell Greenlink Interconnector

Partners Group announced it would sell Greenlink, a 504 MW subsea electricity interconnector between Great Britain and Ireland, to Baltic Cable AB and Equitix. The transaction values Greenlink at an enterprise value exceeding EUR 1 billion. This asset is crucial for renewable energy integration and grid flexibility in both regions.

Acquired by Partners Group in 2019, Greenlink began commercial operations in early 2025. The interconnector features converter stations and high voltage cables linking Pembrokeshire, Wales, to County Wexford, Ireland. It operates under the Cap & Floor regime, ensuring stable cash flows and inflation-linked revenues.

Greenlink enhances energy security, diversifies energy sources, and boosts electricity market competition. The project exemplifies Partners Group's focus on energy transition and grid stability, offering substantial downside protection. It positions Greenlink well for future renewable energy projects under its new ownership.

R. P.

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