sur Paragon AG (isin : DE0005558696)
Paragon Alerts of Suspected Market Manipulation

Paragon GmbH & Co. KGaA recently reported unusual activity in its share price. On March 19, 2025, the shares saw a temporary increase of over 100% before declining by 20%. Paragon's management attributes this volatility to alleged market manipulation, as evidenced by social media chat histories.
The company believes this is part of a "pump and dump" scheme, where prices are artificially inflated to generate investor interest, allowing manipulators to profit from subsequent falling prices. Paragon found similar patterns affecting other shares.
The firm emphasized that no internal events could justify such a price change. Accordingly, Paragon reported the incidents to Germany's Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and shared the suspicious chats. The move aims to safeguard shareholders from potential losses.
R. E.
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