sur Panoramic Health

Panoramic Health Achieves HITRUST CSF Certification for Its Data Platform

Panoramic Health, the largest integrated nephrology provider group, announced its achievement of HITRUST CSF® certification. This certification reinforces the company's commitment to the highest standards of information security and privacy. It validates Panoramic Health’s adherence to the rigorous requirements of the HITRUST Common Security Framework, a globally recognized standard for managing information security.

HITRUST certification ensures compliance with a comprehensive set of security and privacy requirements. It encompasses more than 40 standards and regulations, including HIPAA, HITECH, PCI, GDPR, NIST, ISO, and various state-specific regulations.

"We are incredibly proud to have achieved HITRUST certification after undergoing a thorough third-party assessment," said Sampath Narayanan, Chief Information Officer of Panoramic Health. "This milestone is a testament to our commitment to protecting sensitive data and maintaining the trust of our stakeholders."

The certification highlights Panoramic Health's dedication to comprehensive risk management, robust security controls, and regulatory compliance. It demonstrates the company’s proactive approach to managing information security risks and reinforces its reputation as a secure platform for clients.

Panoramic Health remains steadfast in its mission to provide a safe and secure environment for all stakeholders, further emphasized by this certification.

R. E.

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