sur Pampa Metals Corp. (isin : CA6976702069)
Pampa Metals Reports Significant Findings in Third Drillhole at Piuquenes, Argentina
Pampa Metals Corp. has completed the third drillhole, PIU-03, reaching a depth of 855 meters at their Piuquenes Project in San Juan Province, Argentina. This drillhole, located west of the preceding PIU-02, aimed to expand the copper-gold mineralization found previously and further detail the intense copper mineralization zones encountered.
From a geological perspective, the drill results reveal moderate to intense porphyry quartz veining, starting as shallow as 70 meters. A significant presence of copper oxides begins at 60 meters, with peak concentrations between 190-230 meters. Below this zone, from 230 to 430 meters, moderate supergene copper enrichment was observed, alongside continued copper sulfide mineralization deeper in the drill core.
The core samples contain various quartz vein types, showing multiple geological events and suggesting ample copper sulfide mineralization, registering a strong continual presence down to 760 meters, beyond which veining becomes less frequent. This finding suggests the mineralized system stays open at depth, offering potential for further exploration.
Assay results are currently in preparation and will be analyzed soon at the ALS laboratory in Mendoza, which could provide further insights into the mineralization's extent and grade. Pampa Metals anticipates these findings with the continuation of their drilling campaign at Piuquenes Central and preliminary tests at Piuquenes East.
R. P.
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