sur Pampa Metals Corp. (isin : CA6976702069)

Pampa Metals Delineates High Grade Porphyry Cu-Au Mineralization in Maiden Drill Program at Piuquenes, San Juan, Argentina

Pampa Metals Corp. (CSE:PM)(FSE:FIR)(OTCQB:PMMCF) has announced significant findings from its maiden drill program at the Piuquenes project in San Juan, Argentina. The program, initiated on December 7, 2023, comprised three diamond drill holes totaling 2,592 meters. Each hole intersected notable intervals of copper, gold, and silver mineralization.

Key results include: 422m @ 0.48% Cu, 0.61 g/t Au, and 2.9 g/t Ag in hole PIU01-2024DDH; 448m @ 0.42% Cu, 0.46 g/t Au, and 2.44 g/t Ag in hole PIU02-2024DDH; and 801m @ 0.40% Cu, 0.51 g/t Au, and 2.87 g/t Ag in hole PIU03-2024DDH. High-grade intervals were also reported within these lengths, showcasing a continuous high-grade system extending over 800m in depth and open to the north-east.

The Piuquenes project covers around 1,880 hectares and has largely remained unexplored. Pampa Metals plans further exploration, including additional drilling, geological modeling, and metallurgical testing, to evaluate the project's potential fully.

R. E.

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