sur Pairus

Pairus launches an innovative platform against loneliness

Pairus, the creation of Emily Lyons and Anthony Lacavera, presents itself as an innovative solution to the growing problem of loneliness. With studies showing a negative impact of loneliness on individual well-being and societal health, and the World Health Organization classifying loneliness as a looming epidemic, Pairus comes at a crucial time. The platform uses cutting-edge AI technology to create meaningful and authentic connections between users.

Pairus offers a range of unique features, including real-time access to matchmakers, exclusive in-app coaching content, a series of designed meditations, comprehensive verification, lessons from relationship experts, and incentives based on AI to enhance profiles and start conversations. Lacavera and Lyons, both successful entrepreneurs, hope with Pairus to combat loneliness and encourage authentic relationships.

R. E.

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