sur Ovaterra

Ovaterra Releases Groundbreaking Advanced Prenatal Vitamins

Ovaterra has introduced a new prenatal vitamin formula, which is one of the few in the U.S. that meets essential nutritional requirements for pregnant women. The product claims to provide 100% of crucial nutrients based on the latest scientific studies.

The formula includes vital components such as 2,000 mcg of Vitamin A, 750 mcg of folate, 400 mg of calcium, 25 mg of iron, and 60 mg of omega-3 fatty acids. Each of these nutrients is provided in quantities surpassing expert recommendations, aimed at supporting health during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery.

This announcement follows a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicating that current prenatal supplements on the market often fail to meet recommended nutrient levels. Ovaterra's advanced formula responds to these findings, improving on aspects like folate and iron content, which are essential for fetal development and maternal health.

R. H.

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