sur Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc (isin : CA6886041079)

Ostrom Climate Solutions Announces Key Initiatives

Ostrom Climate Solutions Inc. has announced several milestones within its global carbon project portfolio. The company has signed an Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement (ERPA) for a climate-smart agriculture project in the Philippines. This agreement involves the sale of Verified Emissions Reductions to a Fortune Global 500 firm, supporting sustainable agriculture practices over a projected 21-year term.

In British Columbia, Ostrom is assisting industries in adapting to the new Output-Based Pricing System (BC OBPS), which replaced the previous CleanBC Industrial Incentive Program. Ostrom provides services for greenhouse gas quantification and compliance, facilitating the use of high-quality carbon offset credits under this framework.

The company also highlights the Quadra Island Forestland Conservation Project, which safeguards over 400 hectares of forest from development. This project, compliant with BC OBPS, is expected to generate significant carbon credits and serve as a model for conservation finance.

R. E.

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