sur Ãrsted A/S (isin : DK0060094928)
Ørsted Invests in Battery Energy Storage System at Hornsea 3 Offshore Wind Farm
Ørsted A/S has announced its final investment decision for a battery energy storage system to be installed alongside the Hornsea 3 Offshore Wind Farm in Swardeston, Norfolk. The system, developed in partnership with Tesla, aims to enhance the stability of the UK's energy supply and reduce price volatility.
The battery, with a 600 MWh capacity and 300 MW power rating, will store surplus energy when generation exceeds demand, and release it during peak periods. This will help balance the grid, provide energy security, and optimize the use of renewable energy.
Duncan Clark, Head of UK & Ireland at Ørsted, noted the investment significantly expands Ørsted’s storage solutions, supporting renewable energy infrastructure in the UK. Mike Snyder from Tesla highlighted the project's potential to enhance grid stability.
The system is expected to be operational by the end of 2026, making it one of the largest in Europe.
R. E.
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