ONESTONE HOLDINGS Achieves Breakthrough in Green Hydrogen Production at Sea with Vertical Wind Turbines

COOS BAY, OR / ACCESSWIRE / June 3, 2024 / ONESTONE HOLDINGS has announced a significant development in clean energy: the successful production of green hydrogen on a ship using innovative vertical wind turbines. This represents a major leap in harnessing renewable energy sources at sea to create clean fuel.

ONESTONE HOLDINGS has developed ships equipped with vertical-axis wind turbines that navigate to optimal wind areas using satellite data. The captured wind energy is converted directly into liquid green hydrogen onboard, streamlining the production process and minimizing energy losses.

"This achievement marks a significant milestone in our mission to make clean hydrogen more accessible and affordable," stated Mehdi Noormohammadi, President and founder of ONESTONE HOLDINGS. "Our vision for a fleet of such ships has the potential to revolutionize green hydrogen production and promote a sustainable future."

The company is also pioneering solutions for transporting liquid green hydrogen, a clean fuel alternative with zero emissions. ONESTONE HOLDINGS' ships can generate enough green energy to power the cooling system required for transporting the cryogenic liquid, ensuring sustainability from production to end use.

R. H.

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