sur Ondine Biomedical Inc (LON:OBIMF)
Ondine Biomedical Initiates ICU Pilot Study with Steriwave Nasal Technology
Ondine Biomedical Inc. has announced the start of patient recruitment for its Steriwave pilot study in a Canadian ICU setting. Conducted at Royal Columbian Hospital, the study seeks to explore Steriwave's effectiveness in reducing hospital-acquired infections among critically ill patients. Unlike antibiotics, Steriwave minimizes antimicrobial resistance by utilizing nasal photodisinfection.
The trial is an Investigator-Initiated Study by Dr. Stephen Reynolds and involves about 400 ICU patients over four months. The results could lead to a larger trial with up to 2,000 patients. Ondine issues shares to fund the study; their value equals 25% of the study costs.
Ondine will issue 1,178,365 new shares to support this project. Post-admission, Ondine's share capital will total 443,233,174 shares, each carrying one voting right. Overall, the success of this pilot may transform ICU infection control practices.
R. P.
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