sur Ondine Biomedical Inc (LON:OBIMF)

Ondine Biomedical Inc.'s Steriwave Cleared for Use in HCA Healthcare UK Facilities

Ondine Biomedical Inc. announces that its Steriwave® light-activated antimicrobial technology has been approved for use by HCA Healthcare UK, a major private healthcare provider. This endorsement enables its application in over 30 UK healthcare facilities to combat healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and reduce antibiotic usage. Steriwave stands out as it does not contribute to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), posing a significant advantage over traditional antibiotics.

The decision follows Steriwave's successful application in a selective patient group within HCA Healthcare UK's hospitals. Its broad-spectrum efficacy is capable of eliminating bacteria, viruses, and fungi rapidly, advocating for wider adoption in medical settings. Professor Claire Hopkins of King's College London highlighted Steriwave's role in significantly reducing post-operative infections and antibiotic use following endoscopic sinus surgeries.

Additionally, the technology's expansion into HCA Healthcare UK aligns with Ondine Biomedical's ongoing efforts to secure FDA approval in the United States. HCA Healthcare's participation in a US Phase 3 clinical trial underlines the global healthcare community's increasing recognition of Steriwave's potential to address AMR threats effectively.

R. H.

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