sur Ondine Biomedical Inc (LON:OBIMF)

Ondine Biomedical Appoints MedTech Veteran Behlke as CFO & COO

Ondine Biomedical Inc., a leader in light-activated antimicrobial treatments, has appointed Michael S. Behlke as its new Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer. Behlke, well-regarded in the US MedTech sector, brings over 30 years of experience in financial and operational leadership, positioning Ondine for future growth.

Previously, Behlke excelled at Ventec Life Systems, driving significant revenue growth and playing a key role in a major partnership with General Motors. At Ondine, he will focus on capital markets strategies and international expansion, initially targeting Canada and the EU, before moving into the U.S. following FDA approval.

CEO Carolyn Cross believes Behlke's expertise will accelerate Ondine's global commercialization efforts. Behlke himself is eager to advance the company’s cutting-edge infection prevention technology.

R. E.

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