sur Onco-Innovations Limited (isin : CA68237C1059)

Onco-Innovations' PNKP Inhibitors Display Potential in Cancer Therapy

Onco-Innovations Limited has unveiled promising technology aimed at enhancing the efficacy of chemotherapy. The company's new class of PNKP inhibitors enhances cancer cells' sensitivity to topoisomerase I poisons, drugs that disrupt DNA replication, forcing cell death. This development addresses drug resistance by inhibiting cancer cells' DNA repair mechanisms.

The CEO, Thomas O'Shaughnessy, emphasized the technology's potential in overcoming treatment-resistant tumors. With further research, it could become integral to the global cancer therapy market. This innovation may offer a more effective solution for patients who have exhausted existing options, potentially reducing harm to normal tissues.

Onco-Innovations plans to initiate U.S. FDA Phase I trials in 2025. This step signifies a milestone in the company's mission to transform cancer care.

R. P.

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